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About Us

The Role of the Community Council

The role of the Community Council is to ascertain, co-ordinate and express the views of the community and will have a role in reviewing planning applications, act as consultees on Licensing issues and liaising with departments of the City Council on related matters.


The Garrowhill Community Council meets monthly at Garrowhill Community Centre at Maxwell Drive, which residents of the Garrowhill area can attend.


The Community Council is comprised of eight members who conduct the business of the council.



The Members

As residents of the community, your community council is made up of your neighbours.

Every month, usually on the first Wednesday, we meet and discuss local issues presented by the community. Sometimes we have representatives from different authorities, including local government offices, our MSPs and Garrowhill community police officers.

Like you, we live in Garrowhill and have the same concerns which is why we represent these issues to official bodies and organisations on your behalf.


As this is a volunteer-based group, we try to keep within the designated meeting hour and use this time efficiently. To ensure we get through everything needed to be discussed, we ask that you contact us via the Contact Us section or our Facebook page with issues before each meeting so we can add them to the agenda.

Although we are actively looking for more community council members, residents are welcome to join meetings when they can.

We look forward to working with you!


Daytona Mills


Marina Mathieson




Laura Sergeant



Gordon Lowe

Lorraine Cieslar

Alex Bell

Nicola Murray

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