Improving Services for North East Glasgow
February 01, 2019
We have completed a selection process for the site of the new Health and Social Care Hub. The process identified the Parkhead Hospital/Mental Health Resource Centre/Parkhead Health Centre as the preferred location. Click here to read the full article.
M8 Eastbound Junction 11 Overnight Resurfacing
December 03, 2018
As part of Transport Scotland’s strategic trunk road management programme, Scotland TranServ will begin the overnight resurfacing of 400m of the M8 Eastbound between Junctions 11 and 10.
In order to complete these works as quickly and safely as possible, it will be necessary to implement a series of overnight road closures between Monday 3rd and Friday 7th December.
Anthony Chambers, Scotland TranServ’s Lead Design Engineer on the project said:
“Scotland TranServ has worked closely with local authorities, emergency services and key stakeholders to carefully plan these works for minimal disruption to commuters and businesses using this very busy section of the M8. With more than 100,000 vehicles using the motorway daily it was important that we scheduled the programme to limit the impact on the travelling public.
“This £127k project will be carried out using a series of overnight closures. Local diversions will be clearly sign-posted throughout. Due to the extended shopping times in the run up to Christmas, we won’t begin implementing traffic management until 10pm each evening, and again not until traffic flows are sufficiently low.”
In order to carry out the works as quickly and safely as possible it will be necessary to implement full overnight closures of the M8 during the following times:
10pm Monday 3rd to 6am Tuesday 4th December
10pm Tuesday 4th to 6am Wednesday 5th December
11pm Wednesday 5th to 6am Thursday 6th December
10pm Thursday 6th to 6am Friday 7th December
Scotland TranServ would advise drivers to please allow some additional time for their journeys, and to check or follow @trafficscotland on Twitter for live trunk road information before beginning their journey.
Affordable Warmth Dividend
November 13, 2018
Customer and Business Services on behalf of Financial Services will administer the Affordable Warmth Dividend (AWD) scheme again this year.
The Affordable Warmth Dividend is a one-off payment of £100 given to all Glasgow residents aged 80 or over by the Council to help with the extra expense of keeping warm during the winter months.
The Affordable Warmth Dividend was launched on Monday, 5 November 2018.
All residents who received a payment last year do not need to apply and will receive their payment before 25 December 2018.
All residents who have turned 80 since 1 April 2018 will need to apply for the dividend. Residents can apply for the Affordable Warmth Dividend in two ways online use the following link
Further information can be obtained by visiting or by calling 0141 287 7961.
Garrowhill Tennis Courts - Planning Decision Notice
August 05, 2018
Full planning permission for the new Garrowhill Park tennis courts has been granted. Read the Planning Decision Notice here.
Proposed Garrowhill Tennis Courts
April 11, 2018
Glasgow Life has produced an information leaflet which is designed to inform the public of proposals for new tennis courts in the park and hopefully spark interest, ahead of and in parallel with, the planning application which went “live” on the planning portal on March 7th. Read the full information note here.
Proposed Garrowhill Tennis Courts
November 22, 2017
An open meeting is taking place regarding the Tennis Courts on Tuesday 28th November at Garrowhill Primary at 7.00pm. Click here for full details. All interested parties should attend.
Glasgow's Winter Maintenance Plan 2017 - 2018
November 22, 2017
A link to the Council’s winter maintenance pages and the Winter Maintenance Plan for 2017-18 is given below.
Information on grit bin locations and roads and footways within the city that have priority gritting can also be obtained by clicking here.
Proposed New Build on Mount Vernon Avenue
November 02, 2017
Miller Homes are proposing to apply for planning consent to build 40 detached houses with associated access, landscaping & open space to the west side of Mount Vernon Avenue.
As yet nothing further is known but a Public Exhibition is being held on 17th November 2017 at Mount Vernon Community Hall 3.00pm until 8.00pm.
The indication on the site layout appears to preserve the woodland behind but this would have to be verified. We urge all interested parties to attend, ask any questions and voice their opinions.
To view Garrowhill Community Council's presentation, click here.
Another Result by Garrowhill Community Council
October 28, 2017
Due to an approach by a resident in December of last year, who was fined for parking on double yellow lines on the much too extended bus stop, we contacted SPT with a view to having this reduced in length.
They acknowledged it was too long for the buses used now, so they then involved Glasgow City Council who agreed to have this carried this out. We had been warned at the time that there would be a delay in implementation but It was eventually completed on 26 October.
No more parking fines on this area.
Railway Bridge Closure, Hangman's Brae (Muirhead Road)
October 20, 2017
Due to concerns over traffic congestion, Garrowhill Community Council approached Councillor Elaine Ballantyne to try to organise a meeting with all relevant parties regarding phasing of the traffic lights at Barrachnie Cross and the London Rd/Hamilton Rd/Mount Vernon Avenue Junctions.
A meeting was then set up in the City Chambers which was attended by Garrowhill & Broomhouse Community Councils, Councillors Elaine Ballantyne & Philip Charles plus representatives of Traffic and Road Safety, Land and Environmental Services.
The outcome of this meeting culminated in the positive decision as per this link.
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